The Congress Park neighborhood was originally known as Cemetery Hill named after the City Cemetery located where Cheesman Park, Congress Park, and the Botanic Gardens are today. In the 1890s, however, it became apparent that the cemetery was a deterrent to growth in the surrounding neighborhood, and Colorado Senator Henry Teller put forth a bill requesting the land be redesigned into a park. When Congress approved the land-use change, Congress Park was established and the surrounding neighborhood began to thrive.
Today, the park itself offers space for a variety of organized activities including eight tennis courts, a large outdoor community swimming pool, a playground, and fields for baseball, soccer, and lacrosse. Neighboring Cheesman Park provides space for less organized activities with the Botanic Gardens in between the two parks providing a summer concert series, Holiday lights display, beautiful gardens for residents to enjoy as well as educational opportunities.
The Congress Park neighborhood is mostly residential but has easy access to popular retail establishments at its edges along 6th Avenue, Colorado Boulevard, and Colfax as well as pockets of local businesses in the heart of the neighborhood on 12th Avenue. Most homes in the neighborhood are bungalows or Denver-Square style homes built between the 1890s and the 1940s with larger mansion-style homes situated along the 7th Avenue Parkway. Residents are drawn to the Congress Park neighborhood for its quiet residential streets and balance between a less urban feel yet central location with easy access to Downtown Denver and Cherry Creek North both just a short walk or bike-ride away!